Source code for covid19_inference.plot.timeseries

import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.ticker
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .rcParams import *
from .utils import *

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Time series plotting functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

[docs]def timeseries_overview( model, idata, start=None, end=None, region=None, color=None, save_to=None, offset=0, annotate_constrained=True, annotate_watermark=True, axes=None, forecast_label="Forecast", forecast_heading=r"$\bf Forecasts\!:$", add_more_later=False, ): r""" Create the time series overview similar to our paper. Dehning et al. arXiv:2004.01105 Contains :math:`\lambda`, new cases, and cumulative cases. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`Cov19Model` trace : :class:`arviz.InferenceData` needed for the data offset : int offset that needs to be added to the (cumulative sum of) new cases at time model.data_begin to arrive at cumulative cases start : datetime.datetime only used to set xrange in the end end : datetime.datetime only used to set xrange in the end color : str main color to use, default from rcParam save_to : str or None path where to save the figures. default: None, not saving figures annotate_constrained : bool show the unconstrained constrained annotation in lambda panel annotate_watermark : bool show our watermark axes : np.array of mpl axes provide an array of existing axes (from previously calling this function) to add more traces. Data will not be added again. Ideally call this first with `add_more_later=True` forecast_label : str legend label for the forecast, default: "Forecast" forecast_heading : str if `add_more_later`, how to label the forecast section. default: "$\bf Forecasts\!:$", add_more_later : bool set this to true if you plan to add multiple models to the plot. changes the layout (and the color of the fit to past data) Returns ------- fig : mpl figure axes : np array of mpl axeses (insets not included) TODO ---- * Replace `offset` with an instance of data class that should yield the cumulative cases. we should not to calculations here. """ figsize = (6, 6) # ylim_new = [0, 2_000] # ylim_new_inset = [50, 17_000] # ylim_cum = [0, 20_000] # ylim_cum_inset = [50, 300_000] ylim_lam = [-0.15, 0.45] label_y_new = f"Daily new\nreported cases" label_y_cum = f"Total\nreported cases" label_y_lam = f"Effective\ngrowth rate $\lambda^\\ast (t)$" label_leg_data = "Data" label_leg_dlim = f"Data until\n{model.data_end.strftime('%Y/%m/%d')}" if rcParams["locale"].lower() == "de_de": label_y_new = f"Täglich neu\ngemeldete Fälle" label_y_cum = f"Gesamtzahl\ngemeldeter Fälle" label_y_lam = f"Effektive\nWachstumsrate" label_leg_data = "Daten" label_leg_dlim = f"Daten bis\n{model.data_end.strftime('%-d. %B %Y')}" letter_kwargs = dict(x=-0.25, y=1, size="x-large") # per default we assume no hierarchical if region is None: region = ... axes_provided = False if axes is not None: log.debug("Provided axes, adding new content") axes_provided = True color_data = rcParams.color_data color_past = rcParams.color_model color_fcast = rcParams.color_model color_annot = rcParams.color_annot if color is not None: color_past = color color_fcast = color if axes_provided: fig = axes[0].get_figure() else: fig, axes = plt.subplots( 3, 1, figsize=figsize, gridspec_kw={"height_ratios": [2, 3, 3]}, constrained_layout=True, ) if add_more_later: color_past = "#646464" if start is None: start = model.data_begin if end is None: end = model.sim_end # insets are not reimplemented yet insets = [] insets_only_two_ticks = True draw_insets = False # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # lambda*, effective growth rate # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ax = axes[0] mu = get_array_from_idata(idata,"mu") lambda_t, x = get_array_from_idata_via_date(model, idata, "lambda_t") y = lambda_t[:, :, region] - mu[...,None] _timeseries(x=x, y=y, ax=ax, what="model", color=color_fcast) ax.set_ylabel(label_y_lam) ax.set_ylim(ylim_lam) if not axes_provided: ax.text(s="A", transform=ax.transAxes, **letter_kwargs) ax.hlines(0, x[0], x[-1], linestyles=":") if annotate_constrained: try: # depending on hierchy delay has differnt variable names. # get the shortest one. todo: needs to be change depending on region. delay_vars = [var for var in trace.varnames if "delay" in var] delay_var = delay_vars.sort(key=len)[0] delay = mpl.dates.date2num(model.data_end) - np.percentile( get_array_from_idata(idata,delay_var), q=75 ) ax.vlines(delay, -10, 10, linestyles="-", colors=color_annot) ax.text( delay + 1.5, 0.4, "unconstrained due\nto reporting delay", color=color_annot, horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="top", ) ax.text( delay - 1.5, 0.4, "constrained\nby data", color=color_annot, horizontalalignment="right", verticalalignment="top", ) except Exception as e: log.debug(f"{e}") # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # New cases, lin scale first # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ax = axes[1] y_past, x_past = get_array_from_idata_via_date( model, idata, "new_cases", model.data_begin, model.data_end ) y_past = y_past[:, :, region] y_data = model.new_cases_obs[:, region] x_data = pd.date_range(start=model.data_begin, end=model.data_end) # data points and annotations, draw only once if not axes_provided: ax.text(s="B", transform=ax.transAxes, **letter_kwargs) _timeseries( x=x_data, y=y_data, ax=ax, what="data", color=color_data, zorder=5, label=label_leg_data, ) # model fit _timeseries( x=x_past, y=y_past, ax=ax, what="model", color=color_past, label="Fit", ) if add_more_later: # dummy element to separate forecasts ax.plot( [], [], "-", linewidth=0, label=forecast_heading, ) # model fcast y_fcast, x_fcast = get_array_from_idata_via_date( model, idata, "new_cases", model.fcast_begin, model.fcast_end ) y_fcast = y_fcast[:, :, region] _timeseries( x=x_fcast, y=y_fcast, ax=ax, what="fcast", color=color_fcast, label=f"{forecast_label}", ) ax.set_ylabel(label_y_new) # ax.set_ylim(ylim_new) prec = 1.0 / (np.log10(ax.get_ylim()[1]) - 2.5) if prec < 2.0 and prec >= 0: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter( matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(format_k(int(prec))) ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # total cases, still needs work because its not in the trace, we cant plot it # due to the lacking offset from new to cumulative cases, we cannot calculate # either. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ax = axes[2] y_past, x_past = get_array_from_idata_via_date( model, idata, "new_cases", model.data_begin, model.data_end ) y_past = y_past[:, :, region] y_data = model.new_cases_obs[:, region] x_data = pd.date_range(start=model.data_begin, end=model.data_end) x_data, y_data = _new_cases_to_cum_cases(x_data, y_data, "data", offset) x_past, y_past = _new_cases_to_cum_cases(x_past, y_past, "trace", offset) # data points and annotations, draw only once if not axes_provided: ax.text(s="C", transform=ax.transAxes, **letter_kwargs) _timeseries( x=x_data, y=y_data, ax=ax, what="data", color=color_data, zorder=5, label=label_leg_data, ) # model fit _timeseries( x=x_past, y=y_past, ax=ax, what="model", color=color_past, label="Fit", ) if add_more_later: # dummy element to separate forecasts ax.plot( [], [], "-", linewidth=0, label=forecast_heading, ) # model fcast, needs to start one day later, too. use the end date we got before y_fcast, x_fcast = get_array_from_idata_via_date( model, idata, "new_cases", model.fcast_begin, model.fcast_end ) y_fcast = y_fcast[:, :, region] # offset according to last cumulative model point x_fcast, y_fcast = _new_cases_to_cum_cases( x_fcast, y_fcast, "trace", y_past[:, -1, None] ) _timeseries( x=x_fcast, y=y_fcast, ax=ax, what="fcast", color=color_fcast, label=f"{forecast_label}", ) ax.set_ylabel(label_y_cum) # ax.ylim(ylim_cum) prec = 1.0 / (np.log10(ax.get_ylim()[1]) - 2.5) if prec < 2.0 and prec >= 0: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter( matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(format_k(int(prec))) ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Finalize # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # for ax in axes: ax.set_rasterization_zorder(rcParams.rasterization_zorder) ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) ax.set_xlim(start, end) format_date_xticks(ax) # biweekly, remove every second element if not axes_provided: for label in ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels()[1::2]: label.set_visible(False) for ax in insets: ax.set_xlim(start, model.data_end) ax.yaxis.tick_right() ax.set_yscale("log") if insets_only_two_ticks is True: format_date_xticks(ax, minor=False) for label in ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels()[1:-1]: label.set_visible(False) print(ax.xticks) else: format_date_xticks(ax) for label in ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels()[1:-1]: label.set_visible(False) # legend leg_loc = "upper left" if draw_insets == True: leg_loc = "upper right" ax = axes[2] ax.legend(loc=leg_loc) ax.get_legend().get_frame().set_linewidth(0.0) ax.get_legend().get_frame().set_facecolor("#F0F0F0") # styling legend elements individually does not work. seems like an mpl bug, # changes to fontproperties get applied to all legend elements. # for tel in ax.get_legend().get_texts(): # if tel.get_text() == "Forecasts:": # # tel.set_fontweight("bold") if annotate_watermark: add_watermark(axes[1]) fig.suptitle( # using script run time. could use last data point though. label_leg_dlim, x=0.15, y=1.075, verticalalignment="top", # fontsize="large", fontweight="bold", # loc="left", # horizontalalignment="left", ) # plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.4, hspace=0.25) if save_to is not None: plt.savefig( save_to + ".pdf", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0.05, ) plt.savefig( save_to + ".png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0.05, ) # add insets to returned axes. maybe not, general axes style would be applied # axes = np.append(axes, insets) return fig, axes
[docs]def _timeseries( x, y, ax=None, what="data", draw_ci_95=None, draw_ci_75=None, draw_ci_50=None, date_format=True, alpha_ci=None, **kwargs, ): """ low-level function to plot anything that has a date on the x-axis. Parameters ---------- x : array of datetime.datetime times for the x axis y : array, 1d or 2d data to plot. if 2d, we plot the CI as fill_between (if CI enabled in rc params) if 2d, then first dim is realization and second dim is time matching `x` if 1d then first tim is time matching `x` ax : mpl axes element, optional plot into an existing axes element. default: None what : str, optional what type of data is provided in x. sets the style used for plotting: * `data` for data points * `fcast` for model forecast (prediction) * `model` for model reproduction of data (past) date_format: bool, optional Automatic converting of index to dates default:True kwargs : dict, optional directly passed to plotting mpl. Returns ------- ax """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Default parameter # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # if draw_ci_95 is None: draw_ci_95 = rcParams["draw_ci_95"] if draw_ci_75 is None: draw_ci_75 = rcParams["draw_ci_75"] if draw_ci_50 is None: draw_ci_50 = rcParams["draw_ci_50"] if ax is None: figure, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 3)) # still need to fix the last dimension being one # if x.shape[0] != y.shape[-1]: # log.exception(f"X rows and y rows do not match: {x.shape[0]} vs {y.shape[0]}") # raise KeyError("Shape mismatch") if y.ndim == 2: data = np.median(y, axis=0) elif y.ndim == 1: data = y else: log.exception(f"y needs to be 1 or 2 dimensional, but has shape {y.shape}") raise KeyError("Shape mismatch") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # kwargs # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # if what == "data": if "color" not in kwargs: kwargs = dict(kwargs, color=rcParams["color_data"]) if "marker" not in kwargs: kwargs = dict(kwargs, marker="d") if "ls" not in kwargs and "linestyle" not in kwargs: kwargs = dict(kwargs, ls="None") elif what == "fcast": if "color" not in kwargs: kwargs = dict(kwargs, color=rcParams["color_model"]) if "ls" not in kwargs and "linestyle" not in kwargs: kwargs = dict(kwargs, ls="--") elif what == "model": if "color" not in kwargs: kwargs = dict(kwargs, color=rcParams["color_model"]) if "ls" not in kwargs and "linestyle" not in kwargs: kwargs = dict(kwargs, ls="-") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # plot # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ax.plot(x, data, **kwargs) # overwrite some styles that do not play well with fill_between if "linewidth" in kwargs: del kwargs["linewidth"] if "marker" in kwargs: del kwargs["marker"] if "label" in kwargs: del kwargs["label"] kwargs["lw"] = 0 kwargs["alpha"] = 0.1 if alpha_ci is None else alpha_ci if draw_ci_95 and y.ndim == 2: ax.fill_between( x, np.percentile(y, q=2.5, axis=0), np.percentile(y, q=97.5, axis=0), **kwargs, ) if draw_ci_75 and y.ndim == 2: ax.fill_between( x, np.percentile(y, q=12.5, axis=0), np.percentile(y, q=87.5, axis=0), **kwargs, ) del kwargs["alpha"] kwargs["alpha"] = 0.2 if alpha_ci is None else alpha_ci if draw_ci_50 and y.ndim == 2: ax.fill_between( x, np.percentile(y, q=25.0, axis=0), np.percentile(y, q=75.0, axis=0), **kwargs, ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # formatting # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # if date_format: format_date_xticks(ax) return ax
[docs]def _new_cases_to_cum_cases(x, y, what, offset=0): """ so this conversion got ugly really quickly. need to check dimensionality of y Parameters ---------- x : pandas DatetimeIndex array will be padded accordingly y : 1d or 2d numpy array new cases matching dates in x. if 1d, we assume raw data (no samples) if 2d, we assume results from trace with 0th dim samples and 1st new cases matching x what : str dirty workaround to differntiate between traces and raw data "data" or "trace" offset : int or array like added to cum sum (should be the known cumulative case number at the first date of provided in x) Returns ------- x_cum : pandas DatetimeIndex array dates of the cumulative cases y_cum : nd array cumulative cases matching x_cum and the dimension of input y Example ------- .. code-block:: cum_dates, cum_cases = _new_cases_to_cum_cases(new_dates, new_cases) """ # things from the trace have the 0-th dimension for samples. raw data does not if what == "trace": y_cum = np.cumsum(y, axis=1) + offset elif what == "data": y_cum = np.nancumsum(y, axis=0) + offset else: raise ValueError # example with offset = 0: # y_data new_cases [ 281 451 170 1597] # y_data cum_cases [ 281 732 902 2499] # so the cumulative used to be one day longer when applying the new cases to the # next day, then add a date at the end of the x axis # add one element using the existing frequency # x_cum = x.union(pd.DatetimeIndex([x[-1] + 1 * x.freq])) x_cum = x return x_cum, y_cum