Source code for covid19_inference.plot.rcParams

import copy

colors = {
    "data": "#060434",  # black
    "fraction": "#33BBEE",  # cyan
    "cases": "#0077BB",  # teal
    "male": "#EE7733",  # orange
    "female": "#EE3377",  # magenta
    "Repr": "#009988",  # blue
    "c": "#e5f6ff2",
    "d": "#f2f4f8",

[docs]def get_rcparams_default(): """ Get a Param (dict) of the default parameters. Here we set our default values. Assigned once to module variable `rcParamsDefault` on load. """ par = Param( locale="en_US", date_format="%b %d", # Removed - in %-d because of windows... date_show_minor_ticks=True, rasterization_zorder=-1, draw_ci_95=True, draw_ci_75=False, draw_ci_50=False, color_model="tab:green", color_data="tab:blue", color_prior="#708090", color_posterior="#009988", color_annot="#646464", ) return par
[docs]def set_rcparams(par): """ Sets the rcparameters used for plotting, provided instance of `Param` has to have the following keys (attributes): Attributes ---------- locale : str region settings, passed to `setlocale()`. Default: "en_US" date_format : str Format the date on the x axis of time-like data (see example April 1 2020: "%m/%d" 04/01, "%-d. %B" 1. April Default "%b %-d", becomes April 1 date_show_minor_ticks : bool Whether to show the minor ticks (for every day). Default: True rasterization_zorder : int or None Rasterizes plotted content below this value, set to None to keep everything a vector. Default: -1 draw_ci_95 : bool For time series plots, indicate 95% Confidence interval via fill between. Default: True draw_ci_75 : bool For time series plots, indicate 75% Confidence interval via fill between. Default: False draw_ci_50 : bool For time series plots, indicate 50% Confidence interval via fill between. Default: False color_model : str Base color used for model plots, mpl compatible color code "C0", "#303030" Default: "tab:green" color_data : str Base color used for data Default: "tab:blue" color_annot : str Color to use for annotations Default: "#646464" color_prior : str Color to used for priors in distributions Default: "#708090" color_posterior : str Color used in posterior plotting Example ------- .. code-block:: python # Get default parameter pars = cov.plot.get_rcparams_default() # Change parameters pars["locale"]="de_DE" pars["color_data"]="tab:purple" # Set parameters cov.plot.set_rcparams(pars) .. """ for key in get_rcparams_default().keys(): assert key in par.keys(), "Provide all keys that are in .get_rcparams_default()" global rcParams rcParams = copy.deepcopy(par)
class Param(dict): """ Paramters Base Class (a tweaked dict) We inherit from dict and also provide keys as attributes, mapped to `.get()` of dict. This avoids the KeyError: if getting parameters via `.the_parname`, we return None when the param does not exist. Avoid using keys that have the same name as class functions etc. Example ------- .. code-block:: python foo = Param(lorem="ipsum") print(foo.lorem) >>> 'ipsum' print(foo.does_not_exist is None) >>> True .. """ __getattr__ = dict.get __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__ __delattr__ = dict.__delitem__ def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None): return Param(copy.deepcopy(dict(self), memo=memo)) @property def varnames(self): return [*self] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # init # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # set global parameter variables rcParams = get_rcparams_default()