
If you are familiar with pymc3, then looking at the example below should explain how our model works. Otherwise, here is a quick overivew:

  • First, we have to create an instance of the base class (that is derived from pymc3s model class). It has some convenient properties to get the range of the data, simulation length and so forth.

  • We then add details that base model. They correspond to the actual (physical) model features, such as the change points, the reporting delay and the week modulation.

    • Every feature has it’s own function that takes in arguments to set prior assumptions.

    • Sometimes they also take in input (data, reported cases … ) but none of the function performs any actual modifactions on the data. They only tell pymc3 what it is supposed to do during the sampling.

    • None of our functions actually modifies any data. They rather define ways how pymc3 should modify data during the sampling.

    • Most of the feature functions add variables to the pymc3.trace, see the function arguments that start with name_.

  • in pymc3 it is common to use a context, as we also do in the example. everything within the block with cov19.model.Cov19Model(**params_model) as this_model: automagically applies to this_model. Alternatively, you could provide a keyword to each function model=this_model.


import datetime

import pymc3 as pm
import numpy as np
import covid19_inference as cov19

# limit the data range
bd = datetime.datetime(2020, 3, 2)

# download data
jhu = cov19.data_retrieval.JHU(auto_download=True)
new_cases = jhu.get_new(country="Germany", data_begin=bd)

# set model parameters
params_model = dict(

# change points like in the paper
change_points = [
    dict(pr_mean_date_transient=datetime.datetime(2020, 3, 9)),
    dict(pr_mean_date_transient=datetime.datetime(2020, 3, 16)),
    dict(pr_mean_date_transient=datetime.datetime(2020, 3, 23)),

# create model instance and add details
with cov19.model.Cov19Model(**params_model) as this_model:
    # apply change points, lambda is in log scale
    lambda_t_log = cov19.model.lambda_t_with_sigmoids(

    # prior for the recovery rate
    mu = pm.Lognormal(name="mu", mu=np.log(1 / 8), sigma=0.2)

    # new Infected day over day are determined from the SIR model
    new_I_t = cov19.model.SIR(lambda_t_log, mu)

    # model the reporting delay, our prior is ten days
    new_cases_inferred_raw = cov19.model.delay_cases(

    # apply a weekly modulation, fewer reports during weekends
    new_cases_inferred = cov19.model.week_modulation(new_cases_inferred_raw)

    # set the likeliehood

# run the sampling
trace = pm.sample(model=this_model, tune=50, draws=10, init="advi+adapt_diag")

Compartmental models

SIR — susceptible-infected-recovered

More Details

I_{new}(t) &= \lambda_t I(t-1)  \frac{S(t-1)}{N}   \\
S(t) &= S(t-1) - I_{new}(t)  \\
I(t) &= I(t-1) + I_{new}(t) - \mu  I(t)

The prior distributions of the recovery rate \mu and I(0) are set to

\mu &\sim \text{LogNormal}\left[
        \log(\text{pr\_median\_mu}), \text{pr\_sigma\_mu}
    \right] \\
I(0) &\sim \text{HalfCauchy}\left[

SEIR-like — susceptible-exposed-infected-recovered

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E_{\text{new}}(t) &= \lambda_t I(t-1) \frac{S(t)}{N}   \\
S(t) &= S(t-1) - E_{\text{new}}(t)  \\
I_\text{new}(t) &= \sum_{k=1}^{10} \beta(k) E_{\text{new}}(t-k)   \\
I(t) &= I(t-1) + I_{\text{new}}(t) - \mu  I(t) \\
\beta(k) & = P(k) \sim \text{LogNormal}\left[
        \log(d_{\text{incubation}}), \text{sigma\_incubation}

The recovery rate \mu and the incubation period is the same for all regions and follow respectively:

P(\mu) &\sim \text{LogNormal}\left[
       \text{log(pr\_median\_mu), pr\_sigma\_mu}
   \right] \\
P(d_{\text{incubation}}) &\sim \text{Normal}\left[
       \text{pr\_mean\_median\_incubation, pr\_sigma\_median\_incubation}

The initial number of infected and newly exposed differ for each region and follow prior HalfCauchy distributions:

E(t)  &\sim \text{HalfCauchy}\left[
    \right] \:\: \text{for} \: t \in {-9, -8, ..., 0}\\
I(0)  &\sim \text{HalfCauchy}\left[


  • Nishiura2020

    Nishiura, H.; Linton, N. M.; Akhmetzhanov, A. R. Serial Interval of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infections. Int. J. Infect. Dis. 2020, 93, 284–286.

  • Lauer2020

    Lauer, S. A.; Grantz, K. H.; Bi, Q.; Jones, F. K.; Zheng, Q.; Meredith, H. R.; Azman, A. S.; Reich, N. G.; Lessler, J. The Incubation Period of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) From Publicly Reported Confirmed Cases: Estimation and Application. Ann Intern Med 2020.


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y_\text{delayed}(t) &= \sum_{\tau=0}^T y_\text{input}(\tau)
    \log(\text{delay}), \text{pr\_median\_scale\_delay}
\right](t - \tau) \\
\log(\text{delay}) &= \text{Normal}\left[
    \log(\text{pr\_sigma\_delay} ), \text{pr\_sigma\_delay}

The LogNormal distribution is a function evaluated at t - \tau.

If the model is 2-dimensional (hierarchical), the \log(\text{delay}) is hierarchically modelled with the hierarchical_normal() function using the default parameters except that the prior sigma of delay_L2 is HalfNormal distributed (error_cauchy=False).